Kalyn is a lilac bicolor and had her first litter of 7 this past June, '22. She is an amazing mom and also helped rear her sister Kendall"s litter. Kalyn is now retired and at her forever home
Kendall with her beautiful seal lynx markings and gentle disposition, she has captured my heart. She has a new litter of 5 precious babies who came a bit early and I affectionately call them my "littles". I have retired Kendall and she is very happy in her forever home.
My first "keeper", Leela with her beautiful eyes and amazing super soft coat there was never a question whether she would stay. She received her Champion title and Best lilac mitted lynx in the Northeast in TICA and then quickly became a mom thus ending her show career. She just had her last litter and will be retired early 2024. Leela is now retired and living with her new family in Madison, CT.....my hometown.
My beautiful seal bicolor girl is the only daughter I kept from my King. She did extremely well at the two shows I brought her to as a kitten. She had a beautiful litter of seven girls on July 12, 2023
Elizabeth captivated me with her incredible eye color and I had to have her. She continues to amaze me with her eyes and she is my cuddle bug who always finds her way to my lap. Update: Elizabeth has officially retired and is going to her forever home with a family with another Karmadolls cat.
I fell in love with Kashmir shortly after she was born and affectionately called her my heart-shaped girl. She is maturing beautifully and I can't wait to take her to her first show. I look forward to what she will bring to my cattery. Kashmir had a litter of two but was overprotective and needed to be separated from all of the other cats for 7 weeks which I found unfair to her and her kittens so I am keeping her daughter Pashmina. Kashmir is now retired and living with some of my favorite people who have three other Karmadolls cats.
Future queen
I am so excited about Paloma (Moma for short) who came all the way from Germany and was bred by the well know cat show judge, Amy Stadter. She is a stunning blue mitted tortie and will be able to produce blue mitted and bicolor tortie girls and cream mitted and bicolor boys with my new King Asher. She he the sweetest disposition and a super silky proper Ragdoll coat.
This beautiful girl came from my wonderful friend Kristin of Cottonblues Ragdolls who had the number one cat in the world in 2023! Quite an accomplishment and testament to her meticulous breeding standards. Fanny is an absolute joy not just to look at and to pet her incredible coat but she also has an endearing personality which I am hopeful will be passed on to her offspring. Very excited to see her kittens next year!